Chick Newman's Blog

May 26, 2010

Here’s a practice post for my LVS blogging class

Filed under: LVS_Learning-to-Blog — chicknew @ 10:42 am

I am hoping to eventually refine the stuff posted on this blog, so that most of the content is not boring…like this post.

Woo hoo! This is my first post.

  • With this post, I want to figure out how to:
  • format my text
  • add tags to my post

add categories to my post

I also want to add pictures to my blog but Bean says
we will do that later in the course.
That’s OK I have plenty of things that I want to write and learn about until then.

May 6, 2010


Filed under: Perspective — chicknew @ 6:49 pm

Anthropological Literary Gem: from Robert Ardrey

“The theory1 states that maturity is achieved by the acceptance of reality and the capacity to absorb each disillusionment and still keep going. Nonetheless, the theory grants that should a man ever attain a state of total maturity–ever come to see himself, in other words, in perfect mathematical relationship to the (more than 6 billion) members of his own species, and that species in perfect mathematical relationship to the tide of tumultuous life which has risen upon the earth and in which we represent but a single swell; and furthermore come to see our earth as but one opportunity for life among uncounted millions, in our galaxy alone, and our galaxy as but one statistical improbability, nothing more, in the silent mathematics of all things—should a man, in sum, ever achieve the final, total, truthful Disillionment of Central Position then in all likelihood, he would no longer keep going, but would simply lie down, wherever he happened to be, and with a long, drawn sigh return to the oblivion from which he came.”

From: African Genesis.
1 The theory refers to Ardrey’s Illusion of Central Position…Man’s concept of himself as the center of the world…maybe the universe. Robert Ardrey, the author believes that the theory explains Man’s persistent efforts to exist through the meaningless cycle of life then death, because Mankind believes it is the important essence of everything else
Student and Master
Who is the Master….?

May 5, 2010


Filed under: Perspective — chicknew @ 3:34 am

The overriding theme here will be to show that our planet and all it’s properties and inhabitants are intertwined and interrelated in thousands of ways. I will try to reinforce that position throughout, but welcome thoughts, opinions, criticisms and proselytizations that are thoughtfully presented as well.

I want to grow, not preach


Thank you…


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